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Balance Your 7 Chakras With These 7 Mantras and Sounds

We are all made of energy. Everything in the universe operates on frequency and vibration, and our bodies are no different. Because energy moves with your mind, your chakras are also activated according to what you focus on the most – and what you bring into existence with the thoughts you think, words you speak, and actions you take.

Caring for your chakras is an important component of reclaiming and maintaining your overall health. Since they are linked to every aspect of life, when your chakras are healthy and balanced, you are healthy and balanced too!

The lower chakras (1-3) are associated with all that is earthly, finite, and material. The upper chakras (5-7) are associated with all that is infinite, universal, and cosmic. The fourth chakra (heart) is at the center of it all, reminding us of both our humanity and our infinite existence.

The benefits of practicing mantras includes:

  • Improve your brain function: Activating your chakras with mantras can reduce the effects of aging, via your memory, concentration and grey matter

  • Mental Health: Reduce your stress levels, manage depression/anxiety, and gain more introspective insights into how your mind works

  • Physical Health: By relaxing and finding more peace with chakras, you could reduce the risks of high blood pressure, Alzheimers and back pain

  • Self-Development: With more inner peace comes more self-control, discipline and awareness of how you feel.

  • Relationships: Once you’ve gained a deeper level of introspective insight, you’ll become more compassionate and aware of how your actions affect others. This in turn improves your relationships, friendships and ability to communicate.

Recite these mantras and Sounds for each chakra to balance your chakras and cultivate radiant, high-vibe energy:

First Chakra: Root
LAM for Muladhara the Base Chakra - Earth Element
Pronounce Laaaaammmmm

“I am strong, supported, and abundant.” The Root Chakra is bright red and is located at the base of your spine. It is connected to the earth and associated with everything that is necessary for survival: finances, food, shelter, self-defense, and nurturing relationships. It is necessary to heal this particular chakra first in order to establish a strong, rooted foundation to heal your entire energy body. If one chakra is imbalanced, the others will be as well. Root down to rise up.

  • The Muladhara root Chakra is linked to our instincts

  • It’s about how we connect with our outside world - communities, family, friends and relationships

  • This also links to your instincts such as pleasure, pain and sexuality

  • If you feel a lot of fear and anxiety, this chakra is often the reason

  • Practicing Base chakra mantras can improve your sense of security, stability, and overall levels of anxiety

Second Chakra: Sacral
VAM for Swadhisthana the Sacral Chakra - Water Element

Pronounce Vammmmmmm

“I am the creator of my entire reality.” The Sacral Chakra is a deep orange color and is located in the lower abdomen. It is associated with reproductive organs and is therefore deeply connected to creation, creativity, joy, sensuality, and passion. When you are in flow with your passion, purpose, and sexuality, your Sacral Chakra is active and vibrant and you are more capable to literally create your life the way you wish to see (and live!) it.

  • If your sacral chakra is blocked, it can lead to problems with violence, pleasure and addictions

  • Emotions such as innocence, creativity and openness permeate from the sacral

  • An imbalanced sacral chakra can lead to you feeling emotionally isolated from others around, lacking in sexual energy and even struggling with social skills

  • On the flip side, if your chakra is over-charged, you might struggle with addiction, over-sexualised thoughts and even obsessive tendencies

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus
RAM for Manipura the Solar Plexus Chakra - Fire Element

Pronounce Raaaaammmmm

“I am worthy of pursuing my passion and purpose.” The Solar Plexus Chakra is a golden yellow and is literally a convergence of nerves, veins, and tissue located between your belly button and diaphragm. This chakra represents your sense of self, willpower, self-confidence, purpose, and wisdom. The energy of this chakra allows you to bring you intention to reality through action. Take action on the things you intend to do and feel the sense of accomplishment that accompanies this success. Let your soul shine through your Solar Plexus Chakra and allow the world to feel your brilliant radiance.

  • Adrenal glands, cells in your pancreas, your metabolic rate and even your digestive capabilities are impacted by the health of your Solar Plexus chakra

  • Because of the digestive links, this is a very instinctual chakra e.g. your gut instinct. When you feel something’s wrong, or like you’re not making the right decisions, are linked to this chakra

  • The way we feel about ourselves and our inner ego comes from the Solar Plexus

  • Emotions such as shame and guilt can block this chakra, so it’s important to be proud of yourself and who you are

Fourth Chakra: Heart
YAM for Anahata the Heart Chakra - Air Element

Pronunce Yaaaaammmm

“I am love, I give love, I am open to love.” The Heart Chakra is a bright green or pink color and is located in the center of your chest at your heart – merging the lower chakras (finite) with the upper chakras (infinite). Not surprisingly, the Heart Chakra is associated with unconditional love (for self, others, and the earth) and is the embodiment of compassion, empathy, and centeredness. The energy of this chakra integrates dualities (or opposites) in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, ego and unity. It is the alchemizer between our earthly, human desires and our cosmic fate. When the heart is open, love flows freely to you and from you.

If you’re struggling with depression or social anxiety, it may be because your Anahata chakra is blocked.

This can lead to feelings of loneliness, or even jealousy.

Not only that, an imbalance of the heart chakra can lead to issues with blood pressure, respiratory problems, and a physical tightness from your muscles.

Whilst chanting the chakra mantra Yam, try to focus on feelings of love, warmth and compassion.

Focus on the people you’re grateful for in your life, and why you love them.

Fifth Chakra: Throat
HAM for Vishuddha the Throat Chakra - Ether Element

Pronounce Haaaaaammmmm

“I am in alignment with my truth. I speak with clarity and intention.” The Throat Chakra is a clear and vibrant blue color and is located at the center of your neck in the throat. The throat is the first of the infinite, upper chakras and is the only channel between the head and the heart. This chakra allows you to express yourself and your authenticity with your voice as your vehicle. Many people who deny their authentic truth or don’t voice desires and concerns can manifest throat-related diseases. Stand up for what you believe in and allow others the experience of being heard. These important actions will empower your communication center.

  • Because we express and communicate ourselves to others via our throat

  • Our opinions, our thoughts and how we treat others mostly comes from the Throat Chakra

  • This can also change whether we stick up for itself and how we make decisions whilst communicating with others

  • This chakra is responsible for demonstrating trust, creating boundaries, expressing ourselves and making decisions.

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye
Aum for Ajna the Third Eye Chakra

Pronounce Aaaaaummmm

“I am in connection with my spirit and I trust my intuition.” The Third Eye Chakra is a bright indigo color and is located on the forehead between the brows, and also includes the pineal gland.

“Close both eyes to see with the other eye.” – Rumi

The energy of this chakra allows you to see both inner and outer worlds clearly and with insight. It is the seat of wisdom and the center for processing and understanding all that is happening within and around you. An unbalanced Third Eye Chakra is caught in societal conditioning and believing illusions. Seek to uncover and understand the deeper truths in your daily life to open your Third Eye Chakra.

  • The third eye is linked to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin for sleep and resting

  • This also produces dimethyltryptamine - a powerful psychedelic hallucinogen naturally produced in our body

  • This Chakra is related to psychic discovery - including your instinct for future events, vision and perspective

  • When your third eye is blocked, it’s usually down to an illusion of ourselves. When we can’t see who we really are - or what life really is - then activating the third eye chakra can help

  • This may also lead to feelings of sleeplessness, fatigue and disillusion

  • If you have too much energy focused on the Mahatattva, you may struggle to concentrate, feel delusions or even suffer with headaches

Seventh Chakra: Crown

OM for Sahasrara the Crown Chakra

Pronunce Oooooommmmm

“I am one with the divine. I honor the divine within and around me.” The Crown Chakra is a pure white light at the crown of our head and is our direct connection to the universe, to the divine, and to all that is infinite. The energy of this highest chakra invites inner peace, expanded insight, deep trust, and liberation. A balanced Crown Chakra liberates the spirit yet also keeps us deeply rooted to the earth. Feeling the higher power within and without will help you see and feel that everything is connected.

  • The Sahasrara is a very introspective chakra, related to wisdom and your soul

  • It’s connected to the energy flowing within your body, releasing a shower of energy from the very top of your head (the crown)

  • It may help to imagine a pool of white light, flowing from your head all the way to your fet - radiating energy throughout your body

  • The Crown Chakra is responsible for spiritual energy, and enlightenment

  • It enhances our awareness, our perspective of the universe and our unity as a connected being

  • If you’re too attached to the physical world, or if you’re a materialistic person, you’re at risk of blocking your Crown Chakra

  • Symptoms of a blocked Crown chakra include feeling greedy, lacking spiritual understanding, cynicism and being selfish

Honor Your Chakras to Enhance Your Life

When too little or too much energy flows through them because they are imbalanced, blocked, weak, or overactive, issues arise in your physical health, emotional well-being, personal relationships, and ability to succeed. Make it a daily practice to start at the Root Chakra and work up through the Crown Chakra, reciting these mantras and envisioning the color of each individual chakra. The powerful energy that is produced when your chakras are balanced and vibrating at their unique frequencies can quite literally change your life and the way you view health, wealth, and happiness.

Tips For Using Chakra Mantras

When you’re chanting Chakra mantras, just focus on one chakra at a time. Start with the base Chakra and then up to the others. First take a deep breath with your belly area (hara) then pronounce the sound and last the mantra.

This gives you a higher level of focus on each chakra, concentrating your healing energy throughout the body.

You have to find a convenient time to practice these chakras, when you’re relaxed, calm and prepared to focus your full attention.

  • Dedicate a specific time of the day to practice

  • Switch off all electronic devices so you’re not distracted by sounds and notifications

  • Often mornings and evenings are the best time to practice chakra mantras

  • Make sure no-one’s going to burst into the room whilst you’re practicing

  • Being hungry will distract you! Eat something light and healthy before you begin

To achieve deeper levels of relaxation, you need to be comfortable.

  • Dress in something that won’t leave you feeling too hot/cold

  • Make sure your clothing is breathable and not too tight fitting

  • Don’t wear something that’s going to restrict your flexibility - tight jeans are a bad idea!

  • Robes are often a popular choice for chanting chakra mantra

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