Life is a Magnificent Journey:
Life itself is a journey of self-discovery, and not just a mere combination of small destinations. It is a never-ending journey that has many unexpected turns, twists, and surprises that make it worthwhile and fun. When you are facing obstacles and challenges in your life, it is important to understand that you are on a journey and that no one event or circumstance determines how your journey will pan-out over the course of a week, month, year or longer.
Uncertainty is Required to Build Strength of Character:
Life presents us with constant challenges in order to build the strength of character. Reflect on your past for a moment, and identify the challenges that you successfully faced and the adversity that you overcame. Ask yourself: How did these events change me as a person? How have they developed and shaped my character? Would I be the same person I am today without having gone through these experiences? How have my current decisions and actions changed as a result of these life events?
Life Moves through Cycles of Changes Like the Seasons:
The natural world experiences cycles of change that we call seasons. These cycles of change move through stages of birth (spring), growth (summer), transformation (autumn), and hibernation (winter). We all acknowledge the fact that summer must end, just as much as we acknowledge the fact the winter will not last forever. Using this metaphor, it is important to understand that the road towards the attainment of your goals and objectives also moves through periods of seasons. You have your springs which give birth to new and creative ideas. The summers grow and expand those ideas in ways that allow you to reap unsurpassed rewards. Then there are your autumns, which bring with them new obstacles and challenges that encourage a transformation of ideas, character, and circumstances. And finally, we have our winters that allow us to enter into long periods of hibernation and deep self-reflection into our life circumstances, future goals, and objectives. When our winter is over we once again move into the season of spring, which brings with it new ideas that were cultivated during our Winter hibernation stage. The seasonal cycles of life won’t always move in this particular combination or order, however at any moment in time be aware that you are indeed moving through a cycle. And no matter what that cycle is, be rest assured that this particular season will not last forever and that no matter how grim your current predicament may be — as long as you persist — there will always be a light waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.
Obstacles Allow for Personal Growth:
Did you know that you will never achieve the goals you are working towards if you are incapable of learning from the problems (lessons) that life throws your way? In fact, you will never even get close to achieving your objectives if every time a problem arises you decide to look the other way or quit. Life is a journey of learning and personal growth that guides you along the path towards your next stepping stone. Yes, this guidance is riddled with obstacles and problems, however, these challenges are there to test our resolve, and to help us to deserve experiencing the goals we are striving for. From this moment on, only view problems as opportunities for growth, and you will move forward towards your goals and objectives with accelerated speed and precision.
Best wishes and love Cristina