An experienced Reiki Practitioner can use Reiki to cleanse homes, workplaces, and any other spaces. Everything holds energy, and a Reiki Space Clearing can help to clear negative and unwanted energies, and help shift the energy that you experience when you walk into that space or room.
Clearing Spaces is good for:
Cleansing your house when you first move in
Clearing your energy when moving out
After a relationship break up
If you notice spirits or other energies in the room
After someone has passed away
Clearing your space after trauma (egg, clearing your car after a car accident, or your home after a traumatic incident)
Clearing your workplace, studio, clinic, or any other room, especially one where you might be seeing patients or clients on a regular basis
General energetic spring clean of your home
Improving health and heal mental/body illness.
Balancing body/mind/spirit.
Harmonising family and relationship
The energy in your space can impact everything from your mood to your relationships to your clarity of thought to your motivation, and more.
Inside of a home or space with poor energy flow that has never, or rarely, has its space cleared, these inharmonious energies can build up really quickly and become stored in the space. Then when people enter the space, they can start to feel grumpy or anxious and go on to release even more negative energies which get stored by the space. And it becomes a vicious cycle.
Spaces I Might Need to Clear
We spend a lot of time in our homes and energetic hygiene is just as important as physical cleanliness. The same way that dust bunnies collect in corners, less than harmonious energy often collects in our homes from many sources.
It will help all of the people who live there to get along better. And it will give everyone in the space a general sense of peace and calm.
It’s also a really good idea to clear the space in your office (either where you locally work, or the entire space), as well as your car. This is a great way to clear out any inharmonious energies that may be lingering from business or traffic related stresses. It also helps to ensure that you have a pleasant time at work and while driving in the future.
Anywhere That People Have Released Negative Energy
Has a fight or disagreement recently occurred in the room in question.
Even if you’re not sure, you know that all-too-familiar experience of walking into a room and feeling like you could “cut the tension with a knife.” This is because when people have a fight, they release negative energies from their auras. But even after the fight has ended, and even if the disagreement was resolved in the end, these toxic energies can still linger in the space.
This can lead to the people that come into the room feeling tense, stressed, anxious, “not quite right,” or even angry. When that happens, the chance of another misunderstanding or disagreement occurring is much higher than it would normally be.
REIKI SPACE CLEARING ONCE A MONTH is the best way to keep the energy in the spaces in harmony with positive energy.
In the meantime, regularly cleaning the spaces with a stick of incense will create good energy until your monthly complete deep clean with an experienced Reiki Practitioner.
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